D:\inetpub\webs\strixvsenquirenet\English\Beyond\M\magic.php on line 29
.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> Magic (Witchcraft)
Italiano English S.T.R.I.X. vs Enquire®, the comic book. A database containing all individuals under control, where you might discover your presence... The geo-political organization of the planet, knowledges stored by S.T.R.I.X.®, Enquire® technologies, under the limit you're allowed to.

H What lies out there... beyond the Darkness? > M > Magic (Witchcraft)

Magic is a way to use Energy, which Witches can use to modify reality.
Enquire® discourages absolutely to cast spells: this is taken as a severe crime, punished with Annihilation or even death sentence.
Your access level allows you to know that spells are divided into Schools and that at least the following Schools exist: