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According to Native Americans' conception, the first direction man faces is East, connected to birth and to the start of life.
As for newborn, in this cycle, no real logic sequence of events exists: all happens in instants that can be reorganized as you like.
The story moves then in instants, in each adventure tied to three among the leading characters.
You can either read each whole episode or follow the path of each and any protagonist or antagonist: it is sometimes interesting to note as viewpoint and knowledge of events can be very different from the overall vision.
During the whole cycle all thirteen of the protagonists will be introduced, which will be gathered by a tycoon in Space Technology Research Institute & eXperimentals organization, shortly S.T.R.I.X.
They will be opposed by the prominent members of a secret association under the name Enquire, that is officially concerned with surveys, which will use their enormous resources in the attempt to capture and eliminate witches.
Indeed the owl (strix in latin), beside being the root of the word striga, or witch, is not coincidentally the name chosen by the protagonists, while the bad guys name reminds not coincidentally Inquisition.
I started the production of my definitive version of the comic, in a new style, for paper-printed version. Here you can find the previous version, the hot news (which I would like to update on a weekly basis), and state of the art for the definitve version (which collects all hot news).
If you want to get an alert each time I publish a new instant, I recommend to subscribe to a Feed service for this page.
Official comic | Hot news - Tri's desinit | New comic - Awakening |
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